The Biogenic and Oriented Nature Reserve of Agoraie is situated in the Aveto Regional Park, in the proximity of municipality of Bosco Fontana. The Reserve is divided in two distinct portions: the Agoraie di Sopra and Moggetto. Both portions are closed to the public, except for few visit per year, due to the extreme fragility of the ecosystem. The area has glacial origin for the expansion of the glacier from the Mountain Aiona, which expanded for more than 4.5 km and formed morenic deposits at the boundaries of steep slopes. A peculiar characteristic is the presence of flooded areas and glacial lake formations containing plant and animal species usually located at higher altitudes. The wood is represented by beeches, which are autochthonous, and conifers, which have been planted to reforest rapidly the area. The area has a delicate ecosystem and there is a serious risk of landfill of the lakes caused by soil erosion and, consequently, disappearance of those peculiar species.
Lago degli Abeti is long and narrow, with clear waters ranging in color from green to turquoise, located in a small basin of glacial origin surrounded by a dense forest of beech and fir trees. The lake can be divided in two quite different areas: the eastern area has muddy bottom, maximum depth of around 6,5 m and absence of marsh plants; the western area is shallow and characterized by the presence of an islet covered by marsh plants, while the seabed is covered by plant remains. The water level does not vary during the year due to the abundant supply of water given by the main tributary, a stream that flows just to the south at a perennial spring. Furthermore, in the deepest area of the lake, there are various sub-lake springs which contribute to deepening the basin and avoiding the invasion of marsh plants. There are also some small springs along the banks.
The most important feature of the lake is the presence of silver fir trunks preserved in subfossil conditions on the lake bed, and clearly visible from the banks, because of the low and constant temperature of the lake's waters (never above 5°C), which functioned as a natural "refrigerator". They have an estimated age of at least 2500 years. The lake is populated by trout (released), copepods, brachiopods, ostracods and various species of amphibians.