ERLH is a concrete result of collaborative relationships established during the project between IRIS partners and other researchers and diverse public sector, private sector and civil society stakeholders at different levels.
Basing on IRIS experience, ERLH will have value for the sustainable development of European rural landscapes and places, enabling those with an interest in promoting protection through use to engage effectively with other networks and organisations at national and European levels through knowledge exchange, joint activities and the joint development and implementation of project proposals such the ones listed below.

Joint Programming on Cultural Heritage and Global Change
IRIS partners involved: GEODE - DUR - UNIGR - UNIGE
Other partners: Local stakeholders in Montenegro
Subject of collaboration: Participation to the final IRIS conference to provide advice for future collaborations
Status of proposal: Proposals will be defined during and after joint discussion at the conference

University of Oviedo
IRIS partners involved: DUR - UNIGE
Subject of collaboration: Climate adaptation and agropastoral cultural landscapes (CAPALA)
Status of proposal: Proposal #3969 presented to the Climate & Cultural heritage Joint call 2023

University of Montenegro
IRIS partners involved: GEODE
Subject of collaboration: Collaboration on the implementation of the IRIS project in Montenegro, specifically in the fields of: history, agro-economy, ecology, and legal and management issues
Status of proposal: Collaboration formally lasted 3 years between 2020 and 2024, but it started before the IRIS project, and the intention is to continue it through other projects

Terrace Archaeology and Culture in Europe (TerrAce project)
Tony Brown (tony.brown@soton.ac.uk, https://www.terrace.no/)
IRIS partners involved: UNIGE
Other partners: Local stakeholder in Vernazza and Manarola, Cinque Terre
Subject of collaboration: The application of modern geoarchaeological techniques (ex. OSL dating) to the investigation of agricultural terraces at the Cinque Terre, for the improvement of a sustainable agricultural production and enhancement of the vineyards in this area
Status of proposal: Invitation to participate to a 2024 International conference in Rome

IRIS partners involved: UNIGE
Other partners: Other local stakeholders in Albania
Subject of collaboration: Summer school on Ecotourism and biodiversity in Albania 2024
Status of proposal: In progress

ICCA Consortium
IRIS partners involved: GEODE
Other partners: Save Sinjajevina Civic Initiative, ICCA Registry
Subject of collaboration: Preparation of Sinjajevina’s application to the UN’s ICCA registry (https://www.iccaregistry.org/)
Status of proposal: In development. A final submission is planned by the end of the project or if not at least a very advanced draft of the application.

International Land Coalition
IRIS partners involved: GEODE
Other partners: Western Balkan Land Coalition
Subject of collaboration: Assistance in creating Western Balkan Land Coalition and creating a strategy for a Montenegrin National Land Coalition
Status of proposal: Research for creating a Montenegrin National Land Coalition is ongoing

European Regional Support Group of the UN’s International Year for Rangelands and Pastoralists (IYRP) 2026
IRIS partners involved: GEODE
Other partners: Organisations from the European Regional Support Group of IYRP
Subject of collaboration: UN’s International Year for Rangelands and Pastoralists (IYRP) 2026, Participation to the IRIS closing conference to share information about IYRP and discuss about future collaborations. Also possibilities to join in the future Transhumance inscribed on UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Status of proposal: Details about collaboration will be defined during and after joint discussion at the conference, and communication afterwards

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Other partners: University of Montenegro, University of Girona
Subject of collaboration: Project proposal: Community and Culture for Climate Adaptation, Resilience, and Education - CC-CARE to the JPICH-climat (Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Climat: https://www.heritageresearch-hub.eu/call/climate-cultural-heritage-joint-call/)
Status of proposal: Concept note of the project proposal was submitted

Margistar – Cost Action program
Subject of collaboration: Participation in WG2 on periphery traps (problems), visions of post-marginalized mountainous areas (visions of desirable futures), and transition pathways (solutions).
Status of proposal: Acceptation of application for WG2

Parco Nazionale Cinque Terre
IRIS partners involved: UNIGE
Subject of collaboration: Biodiversity (birds, herptiles and soil fauna) in agroecosystems
Status of proposal: Started May 2023 ending in April 2024

Civic Initiative Save Sinjajevina
IRIS partners involved: GEODE
Other partners: Udruženje Bjelopavlića
Subject of collaboration: Assistance to Civic Initiative Save Sinjajevina in development of organization and activities related to protection of katuns and pastures of Sinjajevina
Status of proposal: Different activities implemented. Ongoing process

Regional Development Agency for Bjelasica, Komovi and Prokletije
IRIS partners involved: GEODE
Other partners: Other actors at national level: Administration for Heritage Protection, Historical Institute of UoM
Subject of collaboration: Protection of Montenegrin katuns, as tangible and intangible cultural heritage, at national and international level
Status of proposal: Initial meetings organised. Ongoing process