Near the mouth of the Entella river, which flows on the border between the municipalities of Chiavari and Lavagna, there is a cultivable plain formed as a result of the sediment inputs brought downstream by the watercourse over the last few centuries.
Horticulture in the Entella plain has very ancient origins. Horticulture, in spite of the huge transformations that the plain underwent from the 17th century to the end of the 19th century, when an earthen embankment (local name Seggiun) was built and the last marshy areas were reclaimed, maintained its integrity until the beginning of the 20th century, when vegetable gardens occupied the territory of Chiavari to the west as far as the Gli Scogli district.
Until the middle of the last century, horticulture was supported by a complex irrigation system that included the bei, i.e. canals whose use was regulated by special statutes, and balancing wells called çigheugne, of which there is still a trace in the centre of Chiavari, wind-powered wells and norie.
Today, horticulture is still practised in the area, where it is still possible to see the eastern portion of Seggiun and walk along its summit in a north-south direction, walking among the vegetable gardens.