The training course “Scuola della Terra Emilio Sereni” was organized in May and June 2022 in collaboration with the Association Terra!. This was a training practical course dedicated to 15 young farmers willing to become responsible for their own agricultural enterprise. These young farmers were coming from different regions of Italy and were selected by a central committee in Rome.
Each year the training course is held in a different region of Italy, and in 2022 the “Scuola della Terra” course was held in Liguria, for the first time. A strong collaboration between the local organisers and the University of Genova and in particular IRIS project, was also established.
The course was held in person, and consisted in alternating formation in class (seminars, workshops and discussions) and practical activities in different farmhouses located in the surrounding of Genova. These farms or farmhouses were partners of the Terra training course and were available to host the young farmers. The farmhouse owners also participated in the class meetings and workshops.
Concerning IRIS, thematic seminars were held on “Biodiversity and ecotourism in rural areas” and the history of rural landscapes in Italy. Moreover, young IRIS researchers shared their working experiences within IRIS during a specific workshop.
In June a final event took place and was attended by all young farmers, instructors and local stakeholders. During this event all the 15 young farmers presented a specific project plan to be realized in one of the farms that were partners of the initiative. A committee selected three projects based on their originality, technical and economic feasibility. The three winning projects received sufficient funding to be concretely implemented by the proponents in one of the local farms they had choses.
For more information on the Associazione Terra!: https://facefood.associazioneterra.it/scuola-terra