Activities in Río Verde (ES)

Researchers from the MEMO Lab of University of Granada carried out activities in Río Verde.  

Their first goal was to showcase the tangible heritage of the local communities and involve them actively in its preservation. The cataloguing of historical elements such as quarries, archaeological sites, and mills, along with open and participatory archaeological interventions, have helped them unravel the history of these places and bring it closer to the local population. These activities have been a highlight of their work and have also allowed them to organize additional workshops on archaeological ceramics, which have been hugely successful.

Secondly, they have planned activities that focus on the historical land uses and the intangible heritage associated with practical management practices. The team have carried out collective activities aimed at restoring historical productive spaces, not only to highlight their historical significance but also to emphasize the ecological values linked to them. Examples of these activities include the dry-stone balates school and the cleaning sessions for historical irrigation channels. These initiatives have empowered local communities and have engaged more than 150 volunteers, bringing the attention of society to these important sites.

Dry stone school


Workshop on archaeological ceramics


José Abellan Santiesteban

José Mª Martín Civantos

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Sabina Ghislandi